New boilers

0% on all new boilers this Spring!

Spread the cost of your new boiler with flexible monthly payment options.

Ideal Vogue Max 40kw combi boiler.

Glow-Worm Micracom 28Kw combi boiler

Worcester 1000 30kw combi boiler

Worcester 1000 30kw combi boiler

Viessmann Vitodens 050 boiler with 10-year warranty.

Viessmann Vitodens 050-w 30kw combi boiler

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Ideal Vogue Max 40kw combi boiler with 12-year warranty.

Ideal Vogue Max 40kw combi boiler

New Boiler Installations and Replacements In Edinburgh

Welcome to Celsius Plumbing and Heating, your professional highest rated Trusted Trader in Edinburgh for all boiler installations and replacements.

Whether you’re in the market for a new boiler or need to upgrade to a more efficient combi boiler, our team offers the expertise to ensure a reliable installation. We are accredited installers for top brands like Ideal, Worcester, Viessmann, and Keston, guaranteeing the best warranties on the market.

Take advantage of our flexible financing options, including 2 years 0% interest, making it easier and more affordable to fit a new boiler into any budget. We cater to all needs with a wide selection of boiler types, including combi boilers, system boilers, and heat-only boilers.

Start by using our instant quote feature to quickly find the best boiler solution tailored to your home. Our straightforward, no-hassle process ensures that you can get your new boiler installed promptly and efficiently, with minimal disruption to your daily life. Trust Celsius Plumbing and Heating to enhance the comfort and efficiency of your home with a professional boiler installation.




"Celsius are fantastic. They installed my new combi boiler replacement and service my Ideal combi boiler every year. They are easy to deal with and their plumbers are always professional and friendly."

Jean | Homeowner, Leith

Boiler Replacement Edinburgh - Made Easy

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Instant Quote

Enter some details and select some options to get your instant boiler quote.  This is subject to either a home visit from an engineer or a virtual survey.

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Free Home Visit or Virtual Survey

Select either a visit from an engineer or virtual survey (FaceTime or WhatsApp).  You will then receive a detailed quotation, which is live and interactive, so you are in control.

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Speedy Installation

Once you accept our boiler quote, we can usually install your new boiler within 24 hours (subject to availability).  We’ll even register the warranty for your new boiler!

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We will make sure you are happy with your install and deal with the necessary (and a bit boring to be honest!) paperwork.

Protect Your New Boiler With A Service Plan

Worcester Bosch Greenstar 2000

A boiler service plan from Celsius make it easy and affordable to keep your new boiler working safely and efficiently for years to come.

Learn More About Service Plans

Get a free Celsius Wireless Controller

With every new combi boiler installation, you will get a free Celsius wireless controller.

Free Celsius wireless heating controller with your new combi boiler installation.
View our Boiler Range

How much does a new boiler cost in Edinburgh?

The cost of a new boiler in Edinburgh can vary widely depending on several factors including the type of boiler, the brand, the complexity of the installation, and whether any additional modifications are needed for your heating system.

  1. Boiler Type: Combi boilers, system boilers, and heat-only (regular) boilers differ in price. Combi boilers, which provide heat and hot water from one unit, tend to be a popular choice due to their efficiency and compact size, and can cost anywhere from £1,500 to £3,000.  test
  2. Brand: High-end brands like Worcester Bosch, Viessmann, and Vaillant might cost more, but they often offer better reliability and longer warranties.
  3. Installation Complexity: The installation costs can vary significantly based on whether it’s a straightforward replacement of an existing boiler in the same location or a more complex installation that requires moving the boiler or significant changes to the piping and radiators.
  4. Additional Costs: Things like upgrading the flue, adding new radiators, or installing new thermostatic radiator valves can add to the overall cost.

In general, you might expect to pay anywhere from £2,000 to £4,000 for a new boiler installation in Edinburgh, including the boiler itself and installation services. It’s a good idea to get multiple quotes from different providers to compare prices and services. Also, check for any available grants which might help reduce the cost.

Is it worth getting a new boiler now?

Deciding whether it’s worth getting a new boiler now involves weighing a few key factors:

  1. Age and Condition of Your Current Boiler: If your boiler is old (typically more than 15 years) is in poor condition or requires frequent repairs, it might be more cost-effective to replace it. New boilers are more efficient, which can save you money on energy bills in the long run.
  2. Energy Efficiency: New boilers are generally more energy-efficient than older ones. Modern condensing boilers can achieve efficiency levels of over 90%, compared to 60-70% for older models. This efficiency can significantly lower your heating bills.
  3. Environmental Impact: Upgrading to a more energy-efficient boiler reduces your home’s carbon footprint. Since boilers account for a significant portion of household CO2 emissions, a new, efficient boiler will contribute to environmental conservation.
  4. Reliability and Peace of Mind: New boilers come with warranties that can last up to 12 years, offering peace of mind and protection from unexpected repair costs.
  5. Home Improvement: If you’re planning to sell your home, a new boiler can increase its attractiveness to buyers and potentially its value, as it means one less expense the new owners will need to worry about.
  6. Regulations: Depending on your location, there may be regulatory incentives or requirements to replace older, less efficient boilers with models that meet higher environmental standards.
  7. Cost of Replacement vs. Repair: Compare the cost of ongoing repairs and maintenance of your old boiler with the investment in a new one. Although the initial cost of a new boiler can be high, the reduction in repair costs and energy bills can make it a worthwhile investment.

If your current boiler is still performing well, isn’t too costly to maintain, and your heating bills are manageable, it might be more practical to hold off on a new purchase. However, if you’re facing high maintenance costs, poor efficiency, or reliability issues, upgrading to a new boiler could be a wise decision now.

Is replacing a boiler a big job?

A straight boiler swap, where the new boiler is of the same type and being installed in the same location as the old one, is relatively straightforward and usually the quickest type of boiler replacement. Here’s a brief overview of the process:

  1. Isolation and Drainage: The heating system is isolated, meaning the water and power supplies are turned off to ensure safety. The system is then drained to remove any water and prevent leaks during the installation.
  2. Disconnection: The old boiler is disconnected from the electrical supply, thermostat, and any piping that is directly attached to it. This step requires careful handling to ensure that connections are safely capped off.
  3. Removal: Once safely disconnected, the old boiler can be removed. This might involve some manual labor, especially if the boiler is large or in a cramped space.
  4. Installation of New Boiler: The new boiler is then placed in the same spot as the old one. It’s connected to the existing piping, electrical supply, and thermostat. The connections are secured to prevent leaks.
  5. System Refill and Testing: After the physical installation, the system is refilled with water. The boiler is then powered on and thoroughly tested to ensure it operates correctly and efficiently, checking for any leaks or faults.
  6. Commissioning and Final Checks: Finally, the new boiler is commissioned according to the manufacturer’s instructions and industry standards. This includes setting up the boiler controls and ensuring the system is balanced and delivering heat effectively throughout the home.

Since this type of installation is less complex, it can often be completed in about 4 to 6 hours, depending on the specific circumstances like access and the exact model being installed. It’s a relatively quick job that causes minimal disruption to the household, provided it is executed by a competent and qualified engineer. However if you are changing your current heat only regular or system boiler to a combi boiler system, it may take anything between 1-2 days to complete the boiler replacement.

What is the best boiler to get?

Recommended Boiler Brands

  • Worcester Bosch: Highly regarded for reliability and efficiency, Worcester Bosch offers a range of models with excellent after-sales service and warranties up to 10 years.
  • Viessmann: Known for innovative technology and high efficiencies, Viessmann boilers often feature stainless steel heat exchangers and have comprehensive warranties.
  • Vaillant: Vaillant is another trusted name with a range of efficient combi, system, and regular boilers. They offer models suited to a variety of home sizes and are known for their eco-friendly options.
  • Ideal Boilers: Often considered great value for money, Ideal offers a range of reliable boilers at competitive prices, with straightforward installation and strong warranties.
  • Glow-Worm: Known for good customer service and reliability, Glow-Worm boilers can be a more cost-effective option and come with solid warranties.

When selecting a boiler, it’s also wise to consult with a professional heating engineer who can assess your specific needs based on your home’s size, your family’s water usage, and other critical factors. They can provide tailored advice and ensure that you choose the most suitable boiler for your circumstances.


Factors to Consider

  1. Boiler Type: There are three main types of boilers:
    • Combi boilers provide heat and instant hot water from the boiler itself without the need for a tank. They are best for smaller homes where space is at a premium.
    • System boilers require a cylinder for storing hot water, but all other components are built into the boiler. Ideal for homes with multiple bathrooms.
    • Regular (conventional) boilers require both a cylinder and a tank. They’re suitable for homes with significantly higher water usage or multiple bathrooms.
  2. Size and Output: The size of the boiler (in kilowatts kW) should match the heating and hot water demands of your home. An undersized boiler won’t heat your home adequately, while an oversized boiler will waste energy.
  3. Efficiency: Look for a boiler that is energy efficient to reduce gas bills and your home’s carbon footprint. New condensing boilers have higher efficiency levels.
  4. Reliability: Choose a brand known for reliability to avoid frequent repairs. Checking consumer reviews and professional installer feedback can help with this.
  5. Warranty: The length of the warranty is important. Look for options that offer extended warranties, which can provide peace of mind and potentially indicate a more reliable product. Celsius offer warranties up to 12 year full parts an labour as we are accredited with many of the leading boiler brands.
  6. Cost: Prices can vary significantly, so consider both the upfront cost and the long-term savings from reduced energy bills.

How can I afford a new boiler?

Affording a new boiler can be more manageable than you might think, especially with financing options that spread the cost over time without adding any extra expense through interest. Here’s how you can make a new boiler installation affordable:

2 Years 0% Finance Offer

Celsius Plumbing and Heating offers a 2 years 0% finance plan, which is an excellent way to invest in a new boiler without feeling the pinch on your finances. Here’s what this offer entails and how it can benefit you:

  1. No Upfront Cost: You don’t have to pay the full amount for the new boiler upfront. Instead, you can spread the cost over 24 months without any interest charges. This means you pay only for the cost of the boiler divided into manageable monthly instalments.
  2. Budget-Friendly: Since there’s no interest added, you won’t pay more than the original price of the boiler. This can help you manage your monthly household budget better without sacrificing heating efficiency and reliability in your home.
  3. Easy Approval Process: The approval process for financing is usually straightforward, often with quick decisions so you can proceed with the installation without delays.
  4. Improve Home Efficiency Sooner: With the ability to spread the cost, you can upgrade to a more energy-efficient boiler sooner rather than later. This can start saving you money on energy bills immediately, which can partially offset the monthly payments.
  5. Warranty and Peace of Mind: Investing in a new boiler through a finance plan doesn’t mean you’ll miss out on the perks that come with a full upfront payment. You’ll still enjoy the full warranty and aftercare services, ensuring your investment is protected.

Are Worcester boilers better than ideal?

When comparing Worcester Bosch and Ideal boilers, the choice between them often comes down to specific needs and preferences, as both brands have their strengths. Here’s a more detailed look at how these two popular brands stack up against each other in terms of affordability, quality, and the materials used in their heat exchangers:

Ideal Boilers

  • Affordability: Ideal boilers are generally known for being cost-effective, making them an attractive option for those on a tighter budget.
  • Heat Exchanger Material: Many Ideal boilers feature stainless steel heat exchangers. Stainless steel is praised for its resistance to corrosion and its longevity, which can be a crucial factor in maintaining the boiler’s efficiency over time.
  • Range and Options: Ideal offers a wide range of boilers that can suit various household needs, from compact combi boilers ideal for smaller homes to more robust system boilers.

Worcester Bosch Boilers

  • Premium Option: Worcester Bosch is often seen as a more premium brand. The boilers tend to be at a higher price point but are highly regarded for their reliability and performance.
  • Heat Exchanger Material: Worcester Bosch boilers typically use aluminium heat exchangers. Aluminium offers excellent heat transfer and is lighter than stainless steel, but it might be more prone to corrosion if not properly maintained.
  • Reputation and Reliability: Worcester Bosch has a strong reputation for building durable and efficient boilers. They also offer extensive warranty periods, which can provide additional peace of mind to homeowners.

Making Your Choice:

  • Consider Your Usage: If your home has high water usage or if you live in an area with hard water, a stainless steel heat exchanger like those in Ideal boilers might be more beneficial due to its corrosion resistance.
  • Budget vs. Long-Term Value: If upfront cost is a significant factor, Ideal might be the way to go. However, if you can invest a bit more initially for potentially lower maintenance and longer lifespan, Worcester Bosch could be a better choice.
  • Warranties and Service: Compare the warranty length and the terms of service and maintenance support offered by both brands. A longer warranty might tip the scales if it comes with comprehensive coverage.

Ultimately, both brands offer high-quality products that can meet the needs of different homeowners. The decision between Worcester Bosch and Ideal should be based on which features and advantages align best with your specific heating requirements and financial considerations.

Will a new boiler work with old radiators?

Checking what you have

  1. System Compatibility: Most modern boilers, especially condensing boilers, are designed to be compatible with existing heating systems, including older radiators. However, the effectiveness of your heating can be influenced by the condition and type of your existing radiators.
  2. Condition of Radiators: Over time, radiators can develop issues such as corrosion, sludge build-up, or leaks. These problems can reduce the efficiency of your heating system. It’s a good idea to have your radiators inspected and, if necessary, flushed or repaired before installing a new boiler. This ensures they are in good working condition and can handle the new boiler’s operation.
  3. System Pressure: Modern boilers often operate at higher pressures than older systems. Ensure that your old radiators and pipework can withstand this pressure. If the system is too weak or old, it might require upgrading or reinforcing to cope with the new boiler.

Things we can do without needing to upgrade

  • Balancing the System: After installing a new boiler, it might be necessary to balance the heating system. This process involves adjusting the valves on the radiators to ensure even distribution of heat across all areas of your home. Proper balancing helps in maximizing the efficiency of your heating.
  • Thermostatic Radiator Valves (TRVs): Installing TRVs on old radiators can be a great way to improve control over the heating in different rooms and reduce energy consumption, making the system work more efficiently with your new boiler.
  • Upgrading Radiators: If your radiators are very old or not energy efficient, consider replacing them. Newer models are designed to work more effectively with modern boilers, potentially saving you money on heating bills and improving the overall comfort of your home.

Benefits of Trusting Celsius

It’s advisable to speak with a heating professional who can assess the state of your existing radiators and provide recommendations based on the specific requirements of the new boiler and your home’s heating needs. This assessment can help avoid potential issues and ensure that your new boiler operates efficiently with your old radiators. This is exactly what you get by contacting Celsius!

In summary, while a new boiler can generally work with old radiators, ensuring that the radiators are in good condition, compatible with the pressure requirements of the new boiler, and properly balanced, will help achieve the best performance from your updated heating system.

Do you need access to all radiators when fitting a new boiler?

Yes, when fitting a new boiler, it’s typically necessary to have access to all radiators throughout the house. This access is important for several reasons:

  1. System Flushing: Before the new boiler is installed, it’s common practice to flush the entire heating system to clear out any sludge, debris, or corrosion that has built up over time. This helps ensure that the new boiler operates efficiently and is not immediately subjected to potential blockages or damage from old contaminants.
  2. Balancing the System: After installing the new boiler, the heating system, including all radiators, needs to be balanced. Balancing involves adjusting the flow of water to each radiator to ensure that they all heat up efficiently and evenly. This is done by altering the valve settings on each radiator, which requires physical access to them.
  3. Leak Checks: Access to radiators is also needed to check for leaks and ensure that all connections and fittings are secure. This is particularly important after any system modifications that might have been made during the boiler installation.
  4. Testing they work properly: Finally, having access to all radiators allows the installation team to verify that the entire system is working correctly with the new boiler. They can ensure that each radiator is heating up properly and that there are no issues with the circulation of heat.

If certain radiators are inaccessible, it can hinder these critical steps, potentially leading to inefficiencies or problems with the heating system later on. It’s best to clear any furniture or provide access to all areas with radiators ahead of the scheduled installation to get the most out of your new boiler replacement.

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